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Meet The Woof Pack
Meet the team of Woofs that's the inspiration behind the Woof Pack project!
Personalised Dog Accessories
Personalised Bandana
Personalised Bow Tie Collar

Adventurous and Independent.
Foxy was rescued by co-founder Cris March 2017 when she was 4 months old.
Foxy's favourite product is the Fall Bandana

Youngest of the Pack but biggest in size and heart.
Venus was rescued by co-founder Cris June 2018 when she was just 1 month old.
Venus's favourite product is the Personalised Squeaky Toy

Queen of the Pack.
Udon was rescued by co-founder Stephanie January 2019 when she was 3.
Udon's favourite product is the Rainy Bandana with matching Rainy Waste Bag Holder
Personalised Dog Accessories
Personalised Bandana
Personalised Bow Tie Collar